Saturday, March 7, 2009

And I just need a little time.

I hate money. I wish the word could survive without it.
With that said, I am having a hard time. Each day I worry that much more.
I'll keep the rest to myself, but this song has had over 100+ plays on my i-tunes in the last twenty-four hours and that does not count when it gets played in my car and on my i-pod walking to class. Enjoy <3


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Busy Bee

My life is a mess, but I am enjoying every bit of it <3

Friday, January 30, 2009

I wanna boyfrannn

"​Strai​ght guys only feel three​ ways about​ girls​.​ First​,​ they love you, and they show it by writi​ng a song about​ you and askin​g you out and every​thing​ is nice and fun like it shoul​d be. Secon​d,​ they love you, but they'​re scare​d of their​ passi​on for you becau​se it's so stron​g,​ so they stuff​ it way, way down and ignor​e you, or do stupi​d stuff​ like make fun of you becau​se they don'​t know how to expre​ss it any other​ way, becau​se they'​re immat​ure littl​e babie​s and are too shy to say, write​ a song about​ you. Or third​,​ there​'​s somet​hing wrong​ with them,​ and they start​ out nice and lovin​g and then turn aroun​d and do stupi​d thing​s like sleep​ with other​ girls​ behin​d your back.​ But we'​ll never​ figur​e out what went wrong​ with them,​ and neith​er will they,​ so it's not worth​ think​ing about​.​ The truth​ of the matte​r is, every​ heter​osexu​al boy -​-​and proba​bly some gay ones,​ too, so look out, becau​se that'​s just going​ to end in disas​ter-​-​ you ever meet is going​ to fall madly​ in love with you. He may not admit​ it, but it's true.​ So you have to take respo​nsibi​lity for that and not do thing​s to encou​rage him-​-​ unles​s,​ of cours​e,​ you WANT him to fall in love with you. Becau​se it's cruel​ to play with boys'​ emoti​ons in that way, becau​se no matte​r what anyon​e says,​ men are the weake​r sex."

- Meg Cabot​.​

Sunday, January 25, 2009


"and you remind me a LOT of tay"


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Well she's a good girl.

But nothing compares to an original <3

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What if I went and lost myself, would you know where to find me?

I am a firm believer in the universe and it's ability to bless or curse you. Be a good person, and good things will happen to you. Be a bad person, and the bad will follow you. A person very close to me said recently that how could so many bad things happen to a good person (meaning herself), and the truth is... she's not a good person. Be honest with yourself, don't just wish to be good. Actually work for it.

Give five dollars to a complete stranger in the dead of winter, just before eleven p.m. so they can catch the last bus home.
Laugh at a joke you don't think is funny, just so the other person won't feel uncomfortable.
Genuinely care about the people around you, and their feelings. Think before you speak and before you act in any way.

It's always the simple things that make the good people good.


Ben Harper will always be my favorite male musician. He is beyond amazing. So i had to share this video with him and Tom Freund because Freund is a great artist as well. It is hard to believe that was his first time on TV.. but better late than never I suppose. I love this song.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

gay messiah.


And my favorite.