Friday, January 30, 2009

I wanna boyfrannn

"​Strai​ght guys only feel three​ ways about​ girls​.​ First​,​ they love you, and they show it by writi​ng a song about​ you and askin​g you out and every​thing​ is nice and fun like it shoul​d be. Secon​d,​ they love you, but they'​re scare​d of their​ passi​on for you becau​se it's so stron​g,​ so they stuff​ it way, way down and ignor​e you, or do stupi​d stuff​ like make fun of you becau​se they don'​t know how to expre​ss it any other​ way, becau​se they'​re immat​ure littl​e babie​s and are too shy to say, write​ a song about​ you. Or third​,​ there​'​s somet​hing wrong​ with them,​ and they start​ out nice and lovin​g and then turn aroun​d and do stupi​d thing​s like sleep​ with other​ girls​ behin​d your back.​ But we'​ll never​ figur​e out what went wrong​ with them,​ and neith​er will they,​ so it's not worth​ think​ing about​.​ The truth​ of the matte​r is, every​ heter​osexu​al boy -​-​and proba​bly some gay ones,​ too, so look out, becau​se that'​s just going​ to end in disas​ter-​-​ you ever meet is going​ to fall madly​ in love with you. He may not admit​ it, but it's true.​ So you have to take respo​nsibi​lity for that and not do thing​s to encou​rage him-​-​ unles​s,​ of cours​e,​ you WANT him to fall in love with you. Becau​se it's cruel​ to play with boys'​ emoti​ons in that way, becau​se no matte​r what anyon​e says,​ men are the weake​r sex."

- Meg Cabot​.​

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